Submission Rules

Presentation Submission

Please Submit your  POSTER presentation here: Please Click Here

Please Submit your  ORAL presentation here: Please Click Here

Rules for abstract submission 

The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, with a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 350 words.

The title should be written in Times New Roman, 14 font size, Initial Letters Uppercase, Other Letters Lowercase, Centered.

Names of Authors and their institutional information should be written in Times New Roman, 10 font size, Initial Letters Uppercase, Other Letters Lowercase, Centered.

The corresponding author must be underlined.

The abstract should include the aim of the study, method, findings, results and conclusion.

The abstract should be written in English.

The abstract should not contain any figures, tables and literature.

Corresponding authors can submit only two abstracts (one abstract for oral presentation and one abstract for poster presentation).

Presentation type should be indicated on the top-right side of the page of the template as an oral presentation or poster presentation on the place of the presentation type.

Each submitted abstract will be reviewed then the researcher will be informed within 10 days after the submission regarding notification of the acceptance.

Authors should make also separate registration on the congress.



Rules for full text submission

The full text should contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion and references.

Abstract: The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 12 font size, with a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 350 words.

Introduction: This section should provide information about the aims of the work and gives background to the study with the related and current literature.

Materials and Methods: Sufficient details should be provided for enabling to reproduce the work independently. If an already published method is applied to the study, this method should be cited by a reference.

Results: The results should be expressed clearly and concisely.

Discussion: In this section, the importance of the results should be explored by not repeating them.

Conclusion: The main conclusion of the work should be expressed in this section.

References in the text should be given as follows;  Acaroz (2020)…./ (Ince 2017, Eryavuz and Kucukkurt 2015, Biricik et al. 2016)

Journal article: Ince S, Kucukkurt I, Demirel HH, Acaroz DA, Akbel E, Cigerci IH. Protective effects of boron on cyclophosphamide induced lipid peroxidation and genotoxicity in rats. Chemosphere. 2014; 108 (): 197-204.

Book Section: Acaroz U, Arslan-Acaroz D, Ince Sinan. A wide Perspective on Nutrients in Beverages; in Nutrients in Beverages: Volume 12: The Science of Beverages. Grumezescu, A., & Holban, A. M. (Eds.). Academic Press. Elsevier. 2019; pp. 1-39.

Webpage: Anonymous.; Access date: 01.01.2020.

Thesis: Surname F. Title of the thesis.  PhD thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University Health Science Institute, Afyonkarahisar, 2020.

The full text should be written in English.

Detailed information is also given in the template.


Online Oral Presentation 

Oral presentations are expected to be completed in 10 minutes (Question and answer part is not included in this time period).

Powerpoint presentations should have a slide number of 20-25.

The slides of oral presentations should be prepared in English (Corresponding authors can write reminder notes on the presentations on their own language).



Online Poster Presentation

Poster presentations should be prepared in English (Corresponding authors can write reminder notes on the presentations on their own language).
